Harvest Moon: Back to Nature – Character List

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
- Release date
December 16, 1999
- Platform
PlayStation (PS1)
- Developer
Victor Interactive Software
A comprehensive list of the characters in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, including their descriptions, personalities, impact on the game, and where and when they can be found.

1. Ann
- Description: Tomboyish girl with orange hair in a braid
- Personality: Energetic, straightforward, and friendly
- Impact: Potential wife; teaches cooking recipes
- Location: Inn
- Schedule: Works at the Inn daily; often found on the second floor
2. Elli
- Description: Kind nurse with short brown hair
- Personality: Nurturing, responsible, and gentle
- Impact: Potential wife; provides health advice
- Location: Clinic
- Schedule: Works at the Clinic on weekdays; visits Rose Square on her days off
3. Karen
- Description: Independent woman with long blonde hair and green vest
- Personality: Strong-willed, somewhat tsundere, enjoys drinking
- Impact: Potential wife; knowledgeable about wines
- Location: Supermarket
- Schedule: Works at the Supermarket; often at the Inn in the evenings
4. Mary
- Description: Shy librarian with glasses and long black hair
- Personality: Intelligent, quiet, and fond of reading
- Impact: Potential wife; provides information through books
- Location: Library
- Schedule: Works at the Library most days; sometimes in the mountains
5. Popuri
- Description: Cheerful girl with pink hair
- Personality: Childish, energetic and animal-loving
- Impact: Potential wife; knowledgeable about chickens
- Location: Poultry Farm
- Schedule: Often at the Poultry Farm or in Rose Square
Bachelors (Rivals)
6. Rick
- Description: Bespectacled young man with orange hair
- Personality: Responsible, protective of Popuri, hardworking
- Impact: Popuri's rival; provides chicken care advice
- Location: Poultry Farm
- Schedule: Works at the Poultry Farm; sometimes at the Inn
7. Doctor (Trent)
- Description: Serious young doctor with black hair
- Personality: Dedicated, somewhat socially awkward, health-conscious
- Impact: Elli's rival; provides medical care and advice
- Location: Clinic
- Schedule: Always at the Clinic except on Wednesdays
8. Cliff
- Description: Shy traveler with long brown hair
- Personality: Reserved, kind, struggles with self-confidence
- Impact: Ann's rival; can be hired at the Winery
- Location: Church or Inn
- Schedule: Often at the Church; stays at the Inn
9. Gray
- Description: Apprentice blacksmith wearing a cap
- Personality: Gruff, struggling with self-doubt, hardworking
- Impact: Mary's rival; can upgrade tools
- Location: Blacksmith shop or Inn
- Schedule: Works at the Blacksmith; stays at the Inn
10. Kai
- Description: Tanned traveler with a purple bandana
- Personality: Flirtatious, laid-back, adventurous
- Impact: Popuri's rival; runs a beach shop in summer
- Location: Beach (Summer only)
- Schedule: At the beach shop during summer days

Other Villagers
11. Mayor Thomas
- Description: Short man with a big mustache and red hat
- Personality: Jovial, civic-minded
- Impact: Explains game mechanics, judges festivals
- Location: Mayor's house or roaming the town
- Schedule: Often seen around town
12. Barley
- Description: Elderly animal trader with a bald head
- Personality: Kind, animal-loving
- Impact: Sells and buys livestock, provides animal care advice
- Location: Yodel Ranch
- Schedule: Usually at Yodel Ranch
13. May
- Description: Young girl with black pigtails
- Personality: Sweet, animal-loving
- Impact: Barley's granddaughter; befriending her improves relations with Barley
- Location: Yodel Ranch or playing in Rose Square
- Schedule: Often playing outside during the day
14. Ellen
- Description: Elderly woman in a wheelchair
- Personality: Kind, grandmotherly
- Impact: Elli's grandmother; gives advice and occasional gifts
- Location: Ellen's house
- Schedule: Always at home due to her condition
15. Saibara
- Description: Elderly blacksmith with a long beard
- Personality: Stern, perfectionist
- Impact: Upgrades tools, processes ores
- Location: Blacksmith shop
- Schedule: Works at the Blacksmith shop daily
16. Won
- Description: Traveling salesman with traditional Chinese attire
- Personality: Shrewd, business-minded
- Impact: Sells rare seeds and items
- Location: Inn or roaming
- Schedule: Appears on certain days to sell items
17. Zack
- Description: Muscular man with a bandana
- Personality: Friendly, hardworking
- Impact: Ships your products, provides shipping information
- Location: Beach or your farm (at 5 PM)
- Schedule: Comes to your farm every day at 5 PM to collect shipments
18. Gotz
- Description: Burly carpenter with a beard
- Personality: Gruff but kind-hearted
- Impact: Upgrades buildings, clears stumps and boulders
- Location: Carpenter's house or mountains
- Schedule: Usually at his house or working in the mountains
19. Carter
- Description: Kind-faced pastor
- Personality: Compassionate, wise
- Impact: Performs weddings, offers advice
- Location: Church
- Schedule: Always at the Church
20. Harvest Sprites (Nic, Nac, Flak, etc.)
- Description: Small elf-like creatures
- Personality: Playful, helpful
- Impact: Can help on the farm if befriended
- Location: Sprite Tree behind the church
- Schedule: Always near their tree, unless working on your farm
21. Harvest Goddess
- Description: Beautiful, ethereal woman
- Personality: Wise, benevolent
- Impact: Blesses your farm, provides advice
- Location: Pond in the mountains
- Schedule: Appears when offered a gift at her pond
22. Sasha
- Description: Karen's mother with short blonde hair
- Personality: Friendly, supportive
- Impact: Provides insights into Karen's character
- Location: Supermarket
- Schedule: Usually at the Supermarket
23. Jeff
- Description: Karen's father, owner of the Supermarket
- Personality: Timid, easily stressed
- Impact: Runs the Supermarket, sells seeds and other items
- Location: Supermarket
- Schedule: Works at the Supermarket daily
24. Manna
- Description: Middle-aged woman with dark hair
- Personality: Talkative, gossipy
- Impact: Provides town gossip and information
- Location: Winery or roaming town
- Schedule: Often at the Winery or walking around town
25. Duke
- Description: Middle-aged man, owner of the Winery
- Personality: Boisterous, sometimes drinks too much
- Impact: Runs the Winery, can employ Cliff
- Location: Winery or Inn
- Schedule: Usually at the Winery, sometimes at the Inn in evenings
26. Basil
- Description: Botanist with a mustache and hat
- Personality: Enthusiastic about plants, knowledgeable
- Impact: Provides information about plants and foraging
- Location: Town square or mountains
- Schedule: Often studying plants in the mountains during good weather
27. Anna
- Description: Mary's mother, elegant woman
- Personality: Refined, somewhat judgmental
- Impact: Provides insights into Mary's character
- Location: Mary's house or town square
- Schedule: Often at home or gossiping in the town square
28. Doug
- Description: Ann's father, owner of the Inn
- Personality: Friendly, hardworking
- Impact: Runs the Inn, sells meals
- Location: Inn
- Schedule: Always working at the Inn
29. Lillia
- Description: Popuri and Rick's mother, pink hair
- Personality: Kind, sickly
- Impact: Provides backstory for Popuri and Rick
- Location: Poultry Farm
- Schedule: Usually resting at the Poultry Farm due to illness
30. Kano
- Description: Photographer with a camera
- Personality: Artistic, observant
- Impact: Takes photos at festivals and events
- Location: Appears at festivals
- Schedule: Only seen during specific events
31. Harris
- Description: Police officer with a cap
- Personality: Dutiful, kind
- Impact: Maintains order in town
- Location: Patrols around town
- Schedule: Can be seen patrolling at various times
32. Gourmet
- Description: Rotund food critic
- Personality: Passionate about food
- Impact: Judges cooking festivals
- Location: Appears at cooking festivals
- Schedule: Only seen during specific events