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PlayStation 1

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

  • Release date
    December 16, 1999
  • Platform
    PlayStation (PS1)
  • Developer
    Victor Interactive Software





A comprehensive, informative walkthrough of Harvest Moon: Back to Nature with character introductions, trivia, tips and additional information. I'll walk you through daily, providing detailed strategies and tips I've learned from countless playthroughs.

Back to Nature


You'll be greeted with the title screen when you first start the game. Press start to begin your journey.

You'll be prompted to enter two names: 1. Your character's name (default is Jack) 2. Your farm's name

Choose names you like - you'll see them often! The game doesn't censor names, so feel free to get creative.

Opening Cutscene

Pay close attention to the opening cutscene. You'll see:
- Your character as a young boy visiting his grandfather's farm
- A little girl your character plays with
- Your grandfather telling you that someday the farm might be yours

Remember this scene. It becomes important later for character relationships.

After the cutscene, you'll meet Mayor Thomas. He'll explain:
- Your grandfather has passed away
- You've inherited the farm
- You have 3 years to make the farm successful

Don't worry too much about the 3-year time limit. If you work steadily, it's plenty of time.

Spring 1 (Thursday)

6:00 AM - Wake Up

You'll wake up in your new home. It's small and basic, but you'll upgrade it over time.

Immediately check your TV. There are 3 channels:
1. Weather Forecast: Always check this to plan your day
2. Life on the Farm: Gives farming tips
3. Cooking Channel: Recipes (important later when you have a kitchen)

Never skip watching TV. It's free information that can be crucial for planning.

7:00 AM - Farm Tour

Exit your house. Mayor Thomas will give you a tour of your farm:
- Your house (top left of the farm)
- Shipping bin (bottom right) - This is where you'll sell most items
- Dog house (top right) - Your dog will grow over time
- The field (center) - This is where you'll grow crops

Thomas will give you your starting tools:
- Hoe
- Hammer
- Axe
- Sickle
- Watering can

These are all basic-level tools. You'll upgrade them later.

8:00 AM - Start Farming

Now it's time to start working:
1. Clear a 3x3 area near your shipping bin
2. Collect everything:
- Weeds (sell for 1G each)
- Stones (sell for 2G each)
- Branches (sell for 2G each)

Don't overwork yourself. Stop when your stamina bar is about half empty.

11:00 AM - First Town Visit

Head into town. Your first stop should be the Supermarket:
- Located in the center of town
- Open 9 AM to 5 PM, closed on Tuesdays
- Buy turnip seeds (120G each)

With your starting 500G, buy 3-4 turnip seeds.

Turnips are perfect for beginners. They grow quickly and provide a good return on investment.

12:00 PM - Planting Your First Crops

Return to your farm:
1. Use the hoe to till 3-4 squares near your shipping bin
2. Plant your turnip seeds
3. Water them with your watering can

Keep your first crops close to the shipping bin and water source. It saves energy!

2:00 PM - Foraging

Head to the mountains (north of your farm):
- Collect Blue Grass (sells for 30G)
- Look for Bamboo Shoots (sells for 50G)
- Gather any flowers you see (great for gifts)

Only sell some foraged items. Keep a few for gifts, especially flowers.

5:00 PM - First Shipping

Return to your farm:
1. Ship all weeds, stones, and branches you collected
2. Ship most foraged items, but keep 2-3 for gifts

7:00 PM - Evening Watering

Water your crops again. Double watering in the early days helps growth!

8:00 PM - Bedtime

Head to bed. Aim to sleep by 10 PM at the latest.

Sleeping late reduces stamina for the next day. A well-rested farmer is a productive farmer!

Spring 2 (Friday)

6:00 AM - Morning Routine

1. Wake up
2. Watch all TV channels

7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water your turnips
2. Clear more field space. Aim for room for 8-10 crops total.

If it's raining, your crops are watered automatically. Use this time for other tasks.

10:00 AM - Meet the Neighbors

Head into town to meet some villagers:1. Poultry Farm (east side of town):
- Meet Rick and Popuri
- Rick runs the shop, Popuri is a bachelorette
- Don't buy chickens yet, they're too expensive

2. Yodel Ranch (southeast of town):
- Meet Barley and May
- Barley sells cows, sheep, and fodder
- May is his granddaughter

3. Blacksmith (center of town): - Meet Saibara and Gray - Saibara upgrades tools - Gray is a bachelor

Talk to everyone daily. Building relationships is crucial in this game.

1:00 PM - More Farming

Return to your farm:
1. Water crops again
2. Continue clearing the field
3. Ship any items you've gathered

3:00 PM - Foraging and Fishing

1. Head to the beach (south of town)
2. Gather any items you find
3. Talk to Zack (your shipper) if you see him

You can wait to fish, but remember this spot for later!

7:00 PM - Evening Routine

1. Final watering of crops
2. Ship any remaining items

8:00 PM - Bedtime

Get some rest for another big day tomorrow. Remember, these first few days are about establishing a routine and meeting people. Don't stress if you can't do everything, there's always tomorrow in Harvest Moon.

Spring 3 (Saturday)

6:00 AM - Rise and Shine

1. Wake up and check all TV channels
2. Pay special attention to the weather forecast for tomorrow

If rain is forecast for tomorrow, you can plan to spend more time in town or the mountains since you won't need to water crops.

7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water your turnips
2. Continue clearing your field. Aim to have space for at least 15 crops by the end of the day.

9:00 AM - Shopping and Socializing

1. Head to the Supermarket
- Buy more turnip seeds (as many as you can afford and have space for)
- Talk to Jeff (owner), Sasha (his wife), and Karen (their daughter and a bachelorette)

2. Visit the Library
- Meet Mary (the librarian and a bachelorette)
- Check out the bookshelf for farming tips

The Library is closed on Mondays, so take advantage of it being open today!

12:00 PM - More Planting

1. Return to your farm
2. Till soil and plant your new turnip seeds
3. Water all crops

2:00 PM - Mountain Exploration

1. Head to the mountains
2. Forage for items
3. Try to reach the hot spring area (top of the mountain)
- The hot spring restores stamina
- You can't use it yet, but knowing its location is helpful

The mountain area changes with the seasons, so explore thoroughly.

5:00 PM - Evening Farm Work

1. Return to your farm
2. Water crops again
3. Ship foraged items and any weeds/branches/rocks collected

8:00 PM - Bedtime

Get some rest. Tomorrow is Sunday, which means some shops will be closed.

The mountain area changes with the seasons, so explore thoroughly!

Spring 4 (Sunday)

6:00 AM - Morning Routine

1. Wake up, check TV channels
2. If it's raining, celebrate your day off from watering.

7:00 AM - Farm Work
1. Water crops (unless it's raining)
2. Check on your first planted turnips. They should be showing some growth.

Turnips take 4 days to grow. Your first harvest is coming soon.

9:00 AM - Church Visit

1. Head to the church (north part of town)
2. Meet Carter (the pastor)
3. Attend the service if you wish (restores some stamina)

The church is a good place to raise your friendship with Carter and meet other villagers.

11:00 AM - Beach Exploration

1. Go to the beach
2. Meet Won (if he's there). He sells rare seeds
3. Gather any items you find

1:00 PM - Inn Visit

1. Visit the Inn
2. Meet Doug (the owner) and Ann (his daughter and a bachelorette)
3. Talk to any villagers you find here

3:00 PM - Afternoon Farm Work

1. Return to your farm
2. Water crops again
3. Continue clearing field if you have stamina

5:00 PM - Mountain Visit

1. Head to the mountains
2. Forage for more items
3. Try to meet Gotz (the woodcutter) if you haven't already

7:00 PM - Evening Routine

1. Final watering of crops
2. Ship any items collected during the day

8:00 PM - Bedtime

Rest up! Tomorrow is the start of a new week.

The Inn is a great place to gain cooking recipes later in the game.

Spring 5 (Monday)

6:00 AM - Wake Up

1. Check TV channels
2. Note that the Library and Yodel Ranch are closed on Mondays

7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water crops
2. Your first turnips should be fully grown today
3. Harvest your turnips
- Use your bare hands to harvest
- Ship them immediately for profit

Keeping a few crops for gifts can be helpful. But at this early stage, the money is more important.

9:00 AM - Supermarket Visit

1. Go to the Supermarket
2. Sell your turnips
3. Buy more turnip seeds and cucumber seeds if you can afford them
- Cucumbers are a good second crop as they regrow after harvesting

11:00 AM - Clinic Visit

1. Visit the Clinic
2. Meet Doctor and Elli (another bachelorette)
3. Buy some Bodigizers if you can afford them (restores stamina)

1:00 PM - Back to the Farm

1. Plant your new seeds
2. Water all crops

3:00 PM - Mountain Foraging

1. Head to the mountains
2. Collect as many items as you can
3. Use the hot spring if your stamina is low

6:00 PM - Evening Farm Work

1. Return to farm
2. Final watering of crops
3. Ship foraged items

8:00 PM - Bedtime

Another productive day done!

Remember, these first few days are crucial for setting up your farm and meeting villagers. Don't worry if you can't do everything every day. Harvest Moon is a game of balancing priorities and managing your time and energy. Keep at it, and you'll soon see your farm and relationships flourish.

Keeping a Bodigizer on hand can save you if you overwork yourself.

Spring 6 (Tuesday)

6:00 AM - Rise and Shine

1. Wake up and check all TV channels
2. Note that the Supermarket is closed on Tuesdays

With the Supermarket closed, I'd like you to focus on other activities today.

7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Check on your cucumbers, they should be showing growth

9:00 AM - Blacksmith Visit
1. Go to the Blacksmith
2. Talk to Saibara and Gray
3. Check the cost of tool upgrades (you probably can't afford them yet, but it's good to know)

Start saving for tool upgrades. The watering can should be your first priority.

11:00 AM - Poultry Farm Visit

1. Visit the Poultry Farm
2. Talk to Rick and Popuri
3. Check the price of chickens (1000G each)

1:00 PM - Mountain Exploration

1. Head to the mountains
2. Forage for items
3. Try to reach the lake area if you haven't already

4:00 PM - Afternoon Farm Work

1. Return to your farm
2. Water crops again
3. Clear more field space if you have energy

7:00 PM - Evening Routine

1. Final check on crops
2. Ship any items collected during the day

8:00 PM - Bedtime

Rest up for another busy day tomorrow!

Start saving for a chicken. They provide daily income through eggs.

Spring 7 (Wednesday)

6:00 AM - Morning Start

1. Check TV channels
2. Pay attention to the weather forecast for tomorrow

7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest any ready turnips
3. Replant turnips in empty spaces

Keep a steady rotation of crops for consistent income.

9:00 AM - Supermarket Run

1. Go to the Supermarket
2. Sell your harvested turnips
3. Buy more seeds (mix of turnips and cucumbers)

11:00 AM - Library Visit

1. Visit the Library
2. Talk to Mary
3. Read some books for farming tips

Building friendship with Mary can lead to useful information about plants and animals.

1:00 PM - Planting Session

1. Return to your farm
2. Plant your new seeds
3. Water all crops

3:00 PM - Beach Exploration

1. Head to the beach
2. Collect any items you find
3. Talk to Zack if you see him

6:00 PM - Evening Farm Work

1. Return to farm
2. Final watering of crops
3. Ship any collected items

8:00 PM - Bedtime

Another day well spent! Your farm is starting to take shape.

The beach is a great place to find gifts for some villagers.

Spring 8 (Thursday)

6:00 AM - Wake Up

1. Check TV channels
2. Today marks one week since you started your farm life!

7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Your first cucumbers might be ready today!
3. Harvest cucumbers if they're ready

Unlike turnips, cucumber plants will continue to produce after the first harvest.

9:00 AM - Yodel Ranch Visit

1. Go to Yodel Ranch 2. Talk to Barley and May 3. Check the price of cows (6000G each)

Cows are expensive but provide good daily income. Start saving up!

11:00 AM - Clinic Check-in

1. Visit the Clinic
2. Talk to the Doctor and Elli
3. Buy a Bodigizer if you can afford it

1:00 PM - Mountain Foraging

1. Head to the mountains
2. Collect spring plants and bamboo shoots
3. Use the hot spring if your stamina is low

4:00 PM - Afternoon Farm Work

1. Return to your farm
2. Water crops again
3. Ship harvested crops and foraged items

7:00 PM - Evening Socializing

1. Visit the Inn
2. Talk to Doug and Ann
3. Chat with any other villagers you find there

9:00 PM - Bedtime

Get some rest. Tomorrow is another big day.

The Inn is a great place to hear village gossip and build relationships.

Spring 9 (Friday)

6:00 AM - Morning Routine

1. Wake up and check TV channels
2. The Harvest Goddess channel might appear today - always watch it if it does!

7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest any ready vegetables
3. Replant in empty spaces

9:00 AM - Shopping Trip
1. Go to the Supermarket
2. Sell your harvested crops
3. Buy potato seeds if you can afford them (more expensive but worth more)

Diversifying your crops helps stabilize your income.

11:00 AM - Poultry Farm Visit

1. Visit the Poultry Farm
2. If you have 1000G saved, consider buying a chicken
3. If you buy a chicken, name it and carry it to your farm

Chickens need to be fed daily unless left outside in good weather.

1:00 PM - Chicken Care / Planting

1. If you bought a chicken, place it in your chicken coop
2. If not, plant your new potato seeds
3. Water all crops

3:00 PM - Mountain Trip

1. Head to the mountains
2. Forage for items
3. Try to meet the Harvest Sprites if you haven't already (near the hot spring)

6:00 PM - Evening Chores

1. Return to farm
2. Final watering of crops
3. Feed your chicken if you have one
4. Ship any collected items

8:00 PM - Bedtime

Rest up! You're making great progress on your farm.

The Harvest Sprites can greatly help your farm once you befriend them.

Spring 10 (Saturday)

### 6:00 AM - Rise and Shine

1. Wake up and check all TV channels
2. The Cooking channel might have a new recipe - write it down for future use!

### 7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest any ready vegetables (likely cucumbers and possibly potatoes)
3. If you have a chicken, collect the egg

Tip: Chicken eggs can be shipped, used as gifts, or saved for when you get a kitchen.

### 9:00 AM - Supermarket Visit

1. Go to the Supermarket
2. Sell your harvested crops
3. Buy more seeds - consider trying strawberries if you can afford them

Tip: Strawberries are expensive but very profitable. They also regrow like cucumbers.

### 11:00 AM - Library Visit

1. Visit the Library
2. Talk to Mary
3. Read books about crop care and animal husbandry

### 1:00 PM - Planting and Care

1. Return to your farm
2. Plant your new seeds
3. Water all crops
4. If you have a chicken, pet it to increase affection

### 3:00 PM - Beach Exploration

1. Head to the beach
2. Collect any items you find
3. Talk to Won if he's there - he might have rare seeds

### 6:00 PM - Evening Routine

1. Return to farm
2. Final watering of crops
3. Feed your chicken if you haven't let it outside
4. Ship any collected items

### 8:00 PM - Bedtime

Another productive day done.

Won's seeds are expensive but can yield rare crops. Only buy if you have extra money.

Spring 11 (Sunday)

### 6:00 AM - Sunday Morning

1. Check TV channels
2. Remember, some shops are closed on Sundays

### 7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest any ready vegetables
3. Collect chicken egg if you have one

### 9:00 AM - Church Visit

1. Go to the church
2. Talk to Carter
3. Attend the service if you wish

Tip: Attending service can help build relationship with Carter and other villagers.

### 11:00 AM - Mountain Foraging

1. Head to the mountains
2. Collect spring plants and bamboo shoots
3. Try to find the Harvest Sprites' hut if you haven't already

Tip: Befriending the Harvest Sprites can lead to them helping on your farm later.

### 2:00 PM - Afternoon Farm Work

1. Return to your farm
2. Water crops again
3. Spend some time clearing more of your field

### 5:00 PM - Inn Visit

1. Go to the Inn
2. Talk to Doug and Ann
3. Socialize with any villagers you find there

### 7:00 PM - Evening Chores

1. Return to farm
2. Final check on crops
3. Feed chicken if needed
4. Ship any items collected during the day

### 9:00 PM - Bedtime

Rest up for the start of a new week!

Sundays are good for socializing as many villagers gather at the Inn.

Spring 12 (Monday)

### 6:00 AM - Week Start

1. Check TV channels
2. Note that the Library and Yodel Ranch are closed on Mondays

### 7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest ready vegetables
3. Collect chicken egg

Tip: Your farm income should be steadily increasing by now.

### 9:00 AM - Supermarket Run

1. Go to the Supermarket
2. Sell your harvested crops
3. Buy more seeds - maintain a variety for steady income

### 11:00 AM - Tool Upgrade Check

1. Visit the Blacksmith
2. Check if you can afford any tool upgrades
3. If possible, upgrade your watering can (1000G + Copper Ore)

Tip: If you upgrade your watering can, remember you won't have it for a few days!

### 1:00 PM - Planting Session

1. Return to your farm
2. Plant new seeds
3. Water all crops (use your old watering can if you're upgrading)

### 3:00 PM - Poultry Farm Visit

1. Go to the Poultry Farm
2. Talk to Rick and Popuri
3. Buy chicken feed if needed

### 5:00 PM - Mountain Trip

1. Head to the mountains
2. Forage for items
3. Use the hot spring to restore stamina

### 7:00 PM - Evening Routine

1. Return to farm
2. Final watering of crops
3. Feed chicken(s)
4. Ship foraged items and any extra produce

### 9:00 PM - Bedtime

Another day closer to becoming a successful farmer!

Buying a second chicken can increase your daily income significantly.

Spring 12 (Monday)

### 6:00 AM - Morning Start

1. Check TV channels
2. Remember, the Supermarket is closed on Tuesdays

### 7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest any ready vegetables
3. Collect chicken eggs

Tip: If you upgraded your watering can, you'll have to water by hand for a couple more days.

### 9:00 AM - Clinic Visit

1. Go to the Clinic
2. Talk to the Doctor and Elli
3. Buy a Bodigizer if you can afford it

### 11:00 AM - Yodel Ranch Visit

1. Visit Yodel Ranch
2. Talk to Barley and May
3. Check the price of cows again (start saving if you haven't already)

### 1:00 PM - Beach Exploration

1. Head to the beach
2. Collect any items you find
3. Fish if you've bought a rod (from Zack for 500G)

### 4:00 PM - Afternoon Farm Work

1. Return to your farm
2. Water crops again
3. Spend time clearing more field space or caring for animals

### 7:00 PM - Evening Socializing

1. Visit the Inn
2. Talk to Doug and Ann
3. Chat with any other villagers you find there

### 9:00 PM - Bedtime

Rest up! Tomorrow is the Spring Thanksgiving Festival.

Fishing can be a good source of extra income and gifts.

Spring 14 (Wednesday) - Spring Thanksgiving Festival

### 6:00 AM - Festival Day

1. Wake up and check TV channels
2. You'll see a reminder about the Spring Thanksgiving Festival

Tip: On festival days, most shops are closed and villagers follow different schedules.

### 7:00 AM - Quick Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest any ready vegetables
3. Collect chicken eggs

### 9:00 AM - Festival Preparations

1. If you have eggs and flour, you can make cookies in your kitchen (if upgraded)
2. If not, you can buy cookies at the Supermarket

Tip: Giving cookies to a bachelorette today will significantly boost your relationship!

### 10:00 AM - Festival Time

1. Head to Rose Square
2. Talk to all the villagers
3. Give cookies to your favorite bachelorette(s)

### 2:00 PM - Post-Festival Activities

1. Return to your farm
2. Water crops again
3. Spend time clearing more field space or caring for animals

### 5:00 PM - Mountain Trip

1. Head to the mountains
2. Forage for items
3. Visit the Harvest Sprites if you've found their hut

### 7:00 PM - Evening Routine

1. Return to farm
2. Final check on crops and animals
3. Ship any items collected during the day

### 9:00 PM - Bedtime

Reflect on the festival and rest up for tomorrow!

You can give cookies to multiple bachelorettes, but focus on one if you're aiming for marriage.

Spring 15 (Thursday)

### 6:00 AM - Back to Normal

1. Wake up and check TV channels
2. Life returns to normal after the festival

### 7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest ready vegetables
3. Collect chicken eggs

### 9:00 AM - Supermarket Visit

1. Go to the Supermarket
2. Sell your harvested crops
3. Buy more seeds - consider buying grass seeds for future livestock

### 11:00 AM - Blacksmith Visit

1. Visit the Blacksmith
2. If you upgraded your watering can, pick it up
3. Check prices for your next tool upgrade

### 1:00 PM - Planting and Care

1. Return to your farm
2. Plant your new seeds
3. Water all crops (enjoy your upgraded watering can!)
4. Pet and brush your chicken(s) to increase affection

### 3:00 PM - Library Visit

1. Go to the Library
2. Talk to Mary
3. Read books about upcoming crops or animals you're interested in

### 5:00 PM - Beach Exploration

1. Head to the beach
2. Collect any items you find
3. Fish if you have a rod

### 7:00 PM - Evening Routine

1. Return to farm
2. Final watering of crops
3. Feed chicken(s) if needed
4. Ship any collected items

### 9:00 PM - Bedtime

Another productive day completed.

If you upgraded your watering can, you should get it back today. It will water multiple squares now!

Spring 16 (Friday)

### 6:00 AM - TGIF in Mineral Town

1. Check TV channels
2. The Weather Girl might predict rain - great for your crops!

### 7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops (unless it's raining)
2. Harvest any ready vegetables
3. Collect chicken eggs

Tip: Rainy days are perfect for exploring or mining since you don't need to water crops.

### 9:00 AM - Supermarket Run

1. Go to the Supermarket
2. Sell your harvested crops 3. Buy more seeds - maybe try some cabbage seeds for variety

### 11:00 AM - Poultry Farm Visit

1. Visit the Poultry Farm
2. Talk to Rick and Popuri
3. Consider buying another chicken if you can afford it

### 1:00 PM - Planting Session

1. Return to your farm
2. Plant your new seeds
3. Water all crops (if not raining)

### 3:00 PM - Mountain Exploration

1. Head to the mountains
2. Collect spring plants and bamboo shoots
3. If it's raining, enter the spring mine and try your hand at mining

Tip: The spring mine is only accessible on rainy days. Ores found here can be used for tool upgrades or sold for profit.

### 6:00 PM - Evening Chores

1. Return to farm
2. Final watering of crops (if not raining)
3. Feed chicken(s) if needed
4. Ship any collected items or ores

### 8:00 PM - Inn Visit

1. Go to the Inn
2. Talk to Doug and Ann 3. Socialize with any villagers you find there

### 10:00 PM - Bedtime

Rest up! Tomorrow is another big day.

Friday nights are often lively at the Inn. It's a great time to build relationships.

Spring 17 (Saturday)

### 6:00 AM - Weekend Begins

1. Wake up and check TV channels
2. Pay attention to tomorrow's weather forecast

### 7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest ready vegetables
3. Collect chicken eggs

Tip: Your first cabbages might be ready today if you planted them earlier!

### 9:00 AM - Supermarket Visit

1. Go to the Supermarket
2. Sell your harvested crops
3. Buy more seeds - keep a diverse crop selection

### 11:00 AM - Tool Upgrade Check

1. Visit the Blacksmith
2. Check if you can afford any tool upgrades
3. Consider upgrading your hoe or hammer next

### 1:00 PM - Planting and Care

1. Return to your farm
2. Plant new seeds
3. Water all crops
4. Spend time caring for your chicken(s)

### 3:00 PM - Goddess Pond Visit

1. Head to the Goddess Pond in the mountains
2. Throw an offering into the pond (like a flower)
3. Meet the Harvest Goddess if it's your first time

### 5:00 PM - Beach Trip

1. Go to the beach
2. Collect any items you find
3. Fish for extra income and gifts

### 7:00 PM - Evening Routine

1. Return to farm
2. Final watering of crops
3. Feed chicken(s) if needed
4. Ship foraged items, fish, and any extra produce

### 9:00 PM - Bedtime

Rest up! Remember, the Horse Race is coming up soon.

The Harvest Goddess can provide useful gifts if you befriend her

Spring 18 (Sunday) - Horse Race

### 6:00 AM - Race Day

1. Wake up and check TV channels
2. You'll see a reminder about the Horse Race

Tip: The Horse Race is a great opportunity to make money and increase friendships.

### 7:00 AM - Quick Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest any ready vegetables
3. Collect chicken eggs

### 9:00 AM - Race Preparations

1. Head to Rose Square
2. Talk to Thomas to enter the festival grounds

### 10:00 AM - Horse Race Festival

1. Talk to all the villagers to increase friendships
2. Place bets on horses (100G per bet)
3. Watch the races

### 3:00 PM - Post-Race Activities

1. Return to your farm
2. Water crops again
3. Care for your animals

### 5:00 PM - Mountain Trip

1. Head to the mountains
2. Forage for items
3. Use the hot spring if your stamina is low

### 7:00 PM - Evening Routine

1. Return to farm
2. Final check on crops and animals
3. Ship any items collected during the day

### 9:00 PM - Bedtime

Reflect on the excitement of the race day and rest up!

Betting can be profitable, but don't spend all your money. Aim to leave with more than you came with.

Spring 19 (Monday)

### 6:00 AM - Back to Normal

1. Wake up and check TV channels
2. Note that the Library and Yodel Ranch are closed on Mondays

### 7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest ready vegetables
3. Collect chicken eggs

### 9:00 AM - Supermarket Visit

1. Go to the Supermarket
2. Sell your harvested crops
3. Buy more seeds - consider buying summer seeds to prepare for the season change

### 11:00 AM - Clinic Check-up

1. Visit the Clinic
2. Talk to the Doctor and Elli
3. Buy any medicine you might need

### 1:00 PM - Planting and Care

1. Return to your farm
2. Plant your new seeds
3. Water all crops
4. Spend time caring for your chicken(s)

### 3:00 PM - Blacksmith Visit

1. Go to the Blacksmith
2. Check on tool upgrade possibilities
3. Buy ore if you're saving up for an upgrade

### 5:00 PM - Beach Exploration

1. Head to the beach
2. Collect any items you find
3. Fish for extra income

### 7:00 PM - Evening Routine

1. Return to farm
2. Final watering of crops
3. Feed chicken(s) if needed
4. Ship any collected items

### 9:00 PM - Bedtime

Another day closer to Summer!

Your farm should be quite productive by now. Keep up the good work!

Spring 20 (Tuesday)

### 6:00 AM - New Day

1. Check TV channels
2. Remember, the Supermarket is closed on Tuesdays

### 7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest any ready vegetables
3. Collect chicken eggs

Tip: Start thinking about which summer crops you want to focus on.

### 9:00 AM - Mountain Foraging

1. Head to the mountains
2. Collect spring plants and bamboo shoots
3. Visit the Harvest Sprites if you've befriended them

### 11:00 AM - Tool Upgrade

1. Visit the Blacksmith
2. Upgrade a tool if you have the money and materials
3. If upgrading, remember you'll be without that tool for a few days

### 1:00 PM - Yodel Ranch Visit

1. Go to Yodel Ranch
2. Talk to Barley and May
3. If you have 6000G saved, consider buying a cow

### 3:00 PM - Afternoon Farm Work

1. Return to your farm
2. Water crops again
3. If you bought a cow, start taking care of it (brush daily, milk once it produces)

### 5:00 PM - Poultry Farm Visit

1. Visit the Poultry Farm
2. Talk to Rick and Popuri
3. Buy chicken feed if needed

### 7:00 PM - Evening Socializing

1. Go to the Inn
2. Talk to Doug and Ann
3. Chat with any other villagers you find there

### 9:00 PM - Bedtime

Rest up for another productive day.

Cows provide daily milk and are a great investment, but make sure you have grass planted for fodder.

Spring 21 (Wednesday)

### 6:00 AM - Midweek Start

1. Wake up and check TV channels
2. Pay attention to the weather forecast for the coming days

### 7:00 AM - Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest ready vegetables
3. Collect chicken eggs
4. Milk your cow if you have one

### 9:00 AM - Supermarket Run

1. Go to the Supermarket
2. Sell your harvested crops and animal products
3. Buy summer seeds to prepare for the season change

### 11:00 AM - Library Visit

1. Visit the Library
2. Talk to Mary
3. Read up on summer crops and animal care

### 1:00 PM - Planting Session

1. Return to your farm
2. Plant any remaining spring seeds
3. Water all crops
4. Care for your animals

### 3:00 PM - Goddess Pond Visit

1. Head to the Goddess Pond
2. Offer a gift to the Harvest Goddess
3. Forage in the area

### 5:00 PM - Beach Trip

1. Go to the beach
2. Collect any items you find
3. Fish for extra income and gifts

### 7:00 PM - Evening Routine

1. Return to farm
2. Final watering of crops
3. Feed animals if needed
4. Ship foraged items, fish, and any extra produce

### 9:00 PM - Bedtime

Rest up! The season is almost over.

Tomatoes, corn, and onions are great summer crops to start with.

Spring 22 (Thursday) - Cooking Festival

### 6:00 AM - Festival Day

1. Wake up and check TV channels
2. You'll see a reminder about the Cooking Festival

Tip: You can't participate in the Cooking Festival in your first year, but attending builds relationships.

### 7:00 AM - Quick Farm Work

1. Water all crops
2. Harvest any ready vegetables
3. Take care of animals

### 10:00 AM - Cooking Festival

1. Head to Rose Square
2. Watch the cooking competition
3. Talk to all villagers to build relationships

### 2:00 PM - Post-Festival Farm Work

1. Return to your farm
2. Water crops again
3. Spend time clearing more field space for summer crops

### 5:00 PM - Mountain Trip

1. Head to the mountains
2. Forage for the last spring items
3. Visit the Harvest Sprites

### 7:00 PM - Evening Routine

1. Return to farm
2. Final check on crops and animals
3. Ship any items collected during the day

### 9:00 PM - Bedtime

Rest up! The last days of Spring are approaching.

Spring 23-29 (Friday-Thursday)

For these last days of Spring, follow a similar routine:

### Daily Morning Routine

1. Wake up at 6:00 AM, check TV
2. Farm work: water crops, harvest, care for animals
3. Ship produce and animal products

### Midday Activities

1. Visit town: rotate between Supermarket, Blacksmith, Library, Clinic
2. Buy summer seeds: tomatoes, corn, onions to start
3. Upgrade tools if possible
4. Build relationships with villagers

### Afternoon Tasks

1. Plant any remaining spring seeds
2. Clear more field space for summer crops
3. Forage in the mountains or fish at the beach

### Evening Routine

1. Final crop watering
2. Check on animals
3. Ship items
4. Socialize at the Inn or around town

Use these days to prepare for Summer. Make sure you have plenty of summer seeds and your tools are upgraded if possible.

Spring 30 (Friday) - Last Day of Spring

### 6:00 AM - Final Spring Morning

1. Wake up and check TV channels
2. Note tomorrow's weather for Summer 1

### 7:00 AM - Last Spring Harvest

1. Water crops (they'll die tomorrow, but it's good practice)
2. Harvest ALL remaining crops
3. Take care of animals

### 9:00 AM - Final Spring Shopping

1. Go to the Supermarket
2. Sell all your spring crops
3. Buy summer seeds if you need more

### 11:00 AM - Tool Check

1. Visit the Blacksmith
2. Upgrade any tools you can - Summer watering is demanding!

### 1:00 PM - Farm Preparation

1. Return to your farm
2. Clear your entire field of any remaining spring crops
3. Till soil for summer crops, but don't plant yet

Tip: Don't plant any seeds today. Crops don't grow overnight between seasons.

### 3:00 PM - Last Mountain Trip

1. Head to the mountains
2. Forage for any last spring items
3. Say goodbye to spring-only areas

### 5:00 PM - Beach Farewell

1. Go to the beach
2. Do some last-minute fishing
3. Collect any shore items

### 7:00 PM - Evening Wrap-up

1. Return to farm
2. Final check on animals
3. Ship ALL remaining spring items

### 9:00 PM - Spring Reflection

Take a moment to reflect on your first season before bed. You've come a long way.

Summer 1 (Saturday) - First Day of Summer

### 6:00 AM - Summer Begins

1. Wake up and check TV channels
2. Note the summer crops and new TV programs

Tip: Summer is hot! Crops need more water, and you'll get tired faster.

### 7:00 AM - Summer Planting

1. Head out to your prepared field
2. Plant your summer seeds: tomatoes, corn, onions
3. Water thoroughly - summer crops are thirsty

### 10:00 AM - Animal Care

1. Take care of your chickens and cow(s)
2. Let them outside if it's sunny - grass grows faster in summer

### 11:00 AM - Town Visit

1. Go to the Supermarket
2. Buy more summer seeds if needed
3. Chat with villagers about the new season

### 1:00 PM - Beach Exploration

1. Head to the beach
2. Collect summer-specific items
3. Fish for new summer fish

### 3:00 PM - Mountain Trip

1. Explore the summer mountain area
2. Forage for summer items
3. Note changes in available flora

### 5:00 PM - Evening Farm Work

1. Return to your farm
2. Water crops again - remember, twice a day in summer!
3. Bring animals inside if you let them out

### 7:00 PM - Fireworks Festival Preparation

1. Head to the beach
2. Attend the Fireworks Festival
3. Watch with a bachelorette to boost relationship

### 10:00 PM - Bedtime

Rest up after a long first day of Summer. The new season brings new challenges and opportunities.

The Fireworks Festival is a great way to start off your summer social calendar!

Up to this point, we've provided an extremely detailed, day-by-day guide for the beginning of your Harvest Moon: Back to Nature journey. This level of detail is crucial for new players to understand the game's mechanics, daily routines, and the importance of each action in the early stages.

However, continuing at this level of detail for the entire three-year cycle would result in an overwhelmingly long guide. More importantly, it wouldn't accurately reflect how you'll experience the game as you progress. As you play, you'll develop your routines, preferences, and strategies. The day-to-day activities become more intuitive, and the game focuses on longer-term planning and relationship building.

For these reasons, we're transitioning to a more summarized approach.

Summer Overview (Remainder of Year 1)

### General Summer Tips

- Water crops twice daily due to increased heat
- Let animals graze outside on sunny days
- Fish at the beach for summer-specific catches
- Forage for summer items in the mountains

### Key Crops

- Tomatoes: High profit, need watering twice daily
- Corn: Long growing period, but harvests multiple times
- Onions: Quick growth, good profit

### Important Events

1. Chicken Festival (7th): Participate if you have a chicken
2. Fireworks Festival (24th): Watch with a bachelorette to boost relationship
3. Cow Festival (28th): Enter your cow if it's producing milk

### Farm Development Goals

- Upgrade your watering can to make summer watering easier
- Save money to buy a cow if you haven't already
- Start saving wood and stone for future building upgrades

### Relationship Tips

- Give summer favorites as gifts (e.g., Pink Cat Flowers for Mary)
- Attend all festivals and talk to everyone
- Start triggering heart events with your preferred bachelorette

Summer Overview (Remainder of Year 1)

### General Fall Tips

- Plant fall crops as soon as the season starts
- Start preparing for your first winter
- Forage for mushrooms and wild grapes in the mountains

### Key Crops

- Eggplants: Multiple harvests, good for cooking
- Sweet Potatoes: High energy restoration when cooked
- Spinach: Fast-growing, decent profit

### Important Events
1. Music Festival (3rd): Participate if your friendship levels are high enough
2. Harvest Festival (13th): Contribute an ingredient to the stew
3. Horse Race (28th): Bet on races or participate if you have a horse

### Farm Development Goals

- Upgrade your barn if you have animals
- Start stockpiling food for winter
- Consider building a hothouse for year-round crops

### Relationship Tips

- Give fall favorites as gifts (e.g., Grapes for Karen)
- Continue triggering heart events
- Start thinking about who you might want to marry

By providing this overview, you can see the key points to focus on without getting bogged down in day-to-day details. This allows you to plan your own approach while still having guidance on important aspects of the game.

Winter Overview (Year 1)

### General Winter Tips

- No crops grow outside during winter (except in a hothouse)
- Focus on mining, fishing, and animal care
- Upgrade tools and buildings when possible

### Key Activities

- Mining: The winter mine opens, providing ores and gems
- Fishing: Winter fish are available in the river and lake
- Foraging: Look for winter items like stumps and branches

### Important Events

1. Star Night Festival (24th): Invite a bachelorette for a romantic evening
2. New Year's Eve (30th): Attend the countdown in Rose Square

### Farm Development Goals

- Upgrade your house if possible (allows for kitchen and marriage)
- Improve your tools for more efficient work in Year 2
- Consider building a hothouse for winter crop growing

### Relationship Tips

- Give winter favorites as gifts (e.g., Hot Milk for Elli)
- Spend more time socializing since farm work is reduced
- Aim to reach green heart level with your preferred bachelorette

Year 2 Overview

### Spring

- Plant crops more efficiently with your experience from Year 1
- Participate in the Harvest Goddess Festival (8th)
- Consider proposing if you're ready for marriage

### Summer

- Focus on high-profit summer crops
- Enter the Tomato Festival (12th)
- Expand your animal farm (more cows, sheep, etc.)

### Fall

- Harvest efficiently and save crops for winter
- Participate in the Fall Horse Race (17th)
- Start preparing for Year 3 evaluation

### Winter

- Maximize mining and fishing profits
- Attend the Starry Night Festival (24th) with your spouse or girlfriend
- Reflect on your progress and plan for the final year

### Year-Round Goals

- Upgrade all tools to mystrile or cursed levels
- Expand and diversify your farm (crops, animals, etc.)
- Deepen relationships with all villagers
- Get married if you haven't already

Year 3 Overview

### Spring

- Plant a diverse range of crops for maximum profit
- Participate in all festivals to boost town relations
- Focus on any areas lacking for the final evaluation

### Summer

- Maximize crop and animal production
- Enter all competitions (Chicken, Cow, Horse Racing)
- Ensure your shipping totals are high in all categories

### Fall

- Harvest and ship as much as possible
- Make sure you've seen all villager events
- Double-check your farm's aesthetics and organization

### Winter

- Final push for mining and fishing totals
- Attend all winter festivals
- Prepare for the final evaluation on the last day

Final Evaluation (Winter 30)

On this day, your farm will be evaluated based on:

1. Total shipped items
2. Farm development (buildings, animals, etc.)
3. Villager relationships
4. Festival participation

Tip: Don't stress too much about the evaluation. If you've been diligent throughout the three years, you're likely to pass with flying colors!

## Beyond Year 3

Remember, the game doesn't end after Year 3. You can continue playing, further developing your farm, raising a family if you're married, and enjoying life in Mineral Town. Some players enjoy the challenge of maximizing their farm's efficiency, while others focus on completing all possible events and interactions with villagers.

Key points for ongoing play:

- Experiment with crop rotations and animal breeding
- Try to ship every type of item
- Aim to see all character events
- Challenge yourself with self-imposed goals

Remember, Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is about enjoying farm life at your own pace. There's no "right" way to play, your journey is unique to you. Keep exploring, building relationships and making Mineral Town your home.